November 16, 2024 iGiveCatholic is the U.S. Catholic Church's annual giving day We’re counting down the days to #iGiveCatholic on December 3 -- and announcing the start of Advanced Giving MONDAY, November 18! ➔
October 15, 2024 Wednesday, October 16 | No 12:10pm Mass Please be advised that the 12:10pm Mass will not be celebrated on Wednesday, October 16. ➔
June 13, 2024 Despedida, Maureen, de parte del Rector Mons. Jameson comparte un mensaje de despedida mientras Maureen Hurley se prepara para dejar su puesto como su asistente del rector después de 18 años. ➔
June 11, 2024 El P. John reflexiona sobre su tiempo en San Mateo El P. John Benson reflexiona sobre sus cinco años en St. Matthew's y pide nuestras oraciones mientras se prepara para su nueva asignación como Administrador de la Parroquia St. John Vianney en Prince Frederick, MD. ➔
June 11, 2024 Fr. John reflects on his time at St. Matthew's Fr. John Benson reflects on his five years at St. Matthew's, and asks for our prayers as he prepares for his new assignment as Administrator of St. John Vianney Parish in Prince Frederick, MD. ➔
June 6, 2024 Despedida, P. John, de parte del Rector Monseñor Jameson, Rector de la Catedral, comparte un mensaje de despedida mientras el P. John Benson se prepara para su nueva asignación como Administrador de la Parroquia de San Juan Vianney en Prince Frederick, MD. ➔
May 30, 2024 David Hirst Recital Video Guest artist David Hirst, Organist of Notre-Dame Collegiate Church, Mantes-la-Jolie (Paris), recently gave a midday recital, playing the Symphony No. 5 in F minor for organ, Op. 42 No. 1, by Charles-Marie Widor on the Cathedral Great Organ. Enjoy a video of his livestreamed performance. ➔
May 10, 2024 Pentecost Novena Begins Today: Pope Francis on the Gift of Wisdom Pope Francis at his April 9, 2014 General Audience began a series of catecheses on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Rely on it for inspiration as we begin this year's Pentecost Novena today, May 10, 2024. It focuses on the first gift - WISDOM - which is the gift that we build up to praying for, on the 8th day of the Novena. View Pope Francis's teaching on the gift of wisdom. ➔
December 19, 2023 Update to Covid-19 Protocols Face coverings continue to be optional inside the Cathedral, as reflected in our signage indicating: “Face masks encouraged but not required.” ➔
August 25, 2023 Peregrinación de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud 2023 Our pilgrims are back and, thanks to Fr. John Benson, now share a video recap of their journey to Spain, and ultimately to Lisbon to celebrate World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 with Pope Francis! ➔