St. Matthew’s supports Catholic social justice teachings on, and participates in advocacy efforts related to, issues that include poverty, access to healthcare, and affordable housing, and environmental justice, among others. For general questions, contact Social Justice Co-chair Annie Daly. You may also contact Social Justice staff at St. Matthew's, Anthony Arreaga or Fr. Isaac Sagastume.
You can access resources and assistance on immigration enforcement HERE.
Made in God's Image
The St. Matthew's community is committed to fighting racism within ourselves, our parish, and our society, and we are committed to continuously educating ourselves about the ways racism manifests itself in ourselves and our world.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has several resources on their website explaining what systemic racism is, how it shows up in housing, education, employment, our criminal justice and political systems, our country's policies and rhetoric around immigration, and more. We encourage you to visit the USCCB website to learn more about racism and our responsibility as Catholics to work for an equitable world: HERE. Also see our archdiocese website, HERE.
St. Matthew's SJC is working towards increased racial equity through their work with the Washington Interfaith Network, the diverse art effort, and projects to support the immigrant community. This is an ongoing and incomplete journey and we welcome ideas on additional things our parish community can do to root racism out of ourselves and our community.
Washington Interfaith Network (WIN)
St. Matthew's is a member of The Washington Interfaith Network, also known as WIN. WIN is an interfaith, nonpartisan organization in DC that advocates for affordable housing, racial justice, and climate action. Specifically, WIN advocates to stop the displacement of native Washingtonians and build Black wealth through homeownership; encourage the city to use public lands for mixed income-affordable housing and low and middle-income homeownership opportunities; transform public housing units into healthy, clean, and green laces to live; transition congregations away from gas appliances and toward healthier, more energy-efficient and more cost-effective alternatives; ensure public transit is affordable and accessible to all District residents; and promote equitable access to careers that pay family-sustaining wages.
WIN meets monthly and St. Matthew's parishioners are encouraged to join and learn more about how they can get involved in WIN's many campaigns. No prior expertise needed - all are welcome! Visit WIN's website to learn more about their organizing efforts.
For more information, contact Social Justice Co-chair Annie Daly.
The Way Home Campaign
Jim Nash, one of the Monday Ministry’s coordinators, invites all who are interested in ending chronic homelessness in DC to take part in advocacy efforts as we enter into budget season. Please note that our parish is part of The Way Home Campaign. Any DC resident who would like to get involved may contact him at Jim Nash.
Congregation Action Network
ICE Raids/
Redadas de ICE
How Can Faith Communities Help Keep People Safe? 
- Become familiar with your rights if ICE comes to your home, work or up to you in public. View the Know Your Rights flier (English and Spanish).
- Print out and share copies of the Know Your Rights flier with your own faith communities and others you think may be affected by raids, or canvass affected neighborhoods and leave fliers at people's doors.
- Call the local hotline number (202-335-1183) if ICE agents or police come to your home or approach you in public.
- Help schedule Know Your Rights trainings in your community. Email to find out how.
- Be prepared to mobilize. If the raids affect our congregations and communities, some of our Network congregations may provide temporary or long-term physical sanctuary.
- Be prepared to support these congregations and individuals through direct support, rallies, political outreach, social networking, and other outreach activities.
¿Cómo pueden las comunidades de fe garantizar que las personas estén seguras?:
- Familiarícese con sus derechos si ICE llega a su hogar, a su trabajo o a usted en público. Haga clic en el folleto Conozca sus derechos (en ingles y español).
- Imprima y comparta copias del folleto Conozca sus derechos a continuación con sus propias comunidades religiosas y otras personas que considere que pueden verse afectadas por las redadas, o recorra los barrios afectados y deje volantes en las puertas de las personas.
- Llame al número de la línea directa local (202-335-1183) si los agentes de ICE o la policía vienen a su casa o se acercan a usted en público.
- Ayude a programar los entrenamientos conozca sus derechos en su comunidad. Envíeme un correo electrónico para averiguar cómo.
- Esté preparado para tomar medidas para apoyar a nuestras congregaciones. Si las redadas afectan a nuestras congregaciones y comunidades, algunas de nuestras congregaciones de la Red pueden proporcionar un santuario físico temporal o a largo plazo.
- Esté preparado para apoyar a esas congregaciones e individuos a través de apoyos directos, mítines, divulgación política, redes sociales, y otras actividades de divulgación.