Finance Council


Church law requires each parish to establish a Finance Council to administer the temporal goods of the parish according to the local laws of the Archdiocese as determined by the Archbishop. The Finance Council provides advice and counsel to the Rector for this purpose and is especially concerned with the parish budget and the funds directed to its execution.


  • Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, President
  • Rev. Joseph McHenry, Ex Officio
  • Rev. Isaac Sagastume, Ex Officio
  • Karlita Galego
  • Jim Holm
  • Ron Marchessault
  • Maria Menacho
  • Lucas Shuler
  • Justin Silvers

Meeting Schedule

The Finance Council meets four times each year to assess the financial condition of the parish and advise on matters within the purview of its responsiblity.