Amazon Wishlist for Outreach Ministry
October 2, 2023How You Can Help
St. Matthew's Monday Morning Ministry is run by volunteer leaders and parish staff liaisons. The Coordination Team includes Channing Pejic, Jim Nash, Katie Dwyer, Kevin Coates, and Phil Downey. Newcomers are always welcome on any given Monday.
The newest way to help is through purchases of most-needed items from our Amazon Wishlist - just scan the first QR code on the flier or click the button below.
- You may choose to serve guests on Monday mornings, make bagged lunches at home and deliver them to the West Conference Room, contribute food or funds.
- Sign up to prepare 10 lunches at home and donate them once a month (you can drop-off on Sunday or early on Monday morning).
- Sign up to prepare hot food or donate fruit, juice, milk, yogurt/fruit/apple sauce cups, or other soft-chew granola bars or pastries. On Mondays, volunteers drop off breakfast food between 7:30am and 8am. Breakfast food donors commit to a schedule and specific food items. To learn more about donating food and lunches, email Katie Dwyer.
- Sign up to serve in person to distribute lunches, breakfast food, give out toiletries, clothing, and sit with our guests. Email Jim Nash to learn more.
- Donate gently worn men’s clothing items: cargo shorts, casual pants, jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, sneakers, and work boots. Contact Phil Downey to schedule a time to deliver items.
- Purchase most-needed items from our Amazon Wishlist for shipping directly to the Cathedral.
- Make a monetary donation. All donations are used to purchase coffee service items, toiletries, underwear, socks, basic clothing items, and more. Scroll down to read more on donations.
Guests are served in, and food delivered to, the West Conference Room. Enter the Cathedral's side door down the steps from the alley entrance (St. Matthew's Court).
Volunteers set up at 7am, serve guests at 8am, and conclude about 9am. You choose when to arrive and leave. Help is most needed between 7 and 9am. Come weekly, biweekly, monthly, or whenever you can. Volunteers and guests are invited to stay for a bilingual scripture discussion, which takes place from 9 to 10am.
Contact Us
To volunteer or for more information, contact Ricardo Tobar or Fr. John Benson or a member of the coordination team (contacts listed above).