Register as a Parishioner

  • Current New Parishioner
  • Additional household members
  • Completed

St. Matthew's Cathedral Parish consists of over 2,100 registered households located either within our established parish boundaries or elsewhere in the District, nearby northern Virginia or the counties of Montgomery and Prince George’s in Maryland. The parish community is diverse in many ways and includes a large number of young professionals and an active Hispanic community. We also welcome many “weekday parishioners” at our daily Masses (especially the 12:10pm Mass!)—those who work in the city but attend Mass at their home parishes on the weekends. Both registered and “weekday” parishioners are invited to participate as EMCs, lectors, altar servers and ushers at daily and holy day Masses, as well as at Sunday Masses.

Register / Registrarse

  • To register electronically, complete the form below. To register offline, please contact the rectory (202-347-3215).

  • Para registrarse electrónicamente usando el formulario en Español, presione aquí. Para registrarse de forma no electrónica, por favor comuníquese con la rectoría (202-347-3215).

Your Contact Information
Your Name
Your Address
Your Preferred Phone
About You
Are you baptized?
Are you confirmed?
Are you married in the Church?
Primary language
Your Participation
I'm interested in the following activities/ministries: