Guest Concerts

Throughout the year, many choral and instrumental groups from the local area and around the country (parishes, dioceses, colleges and universities, etc.) have requested to participate in Cathedral liturgies or to offer special concerts of sacred music for the benefit of the local parish and the wider community.
Recent Guest Performers
Among the recent individuals and groups that have appeared at the Cathedral are the following:
- The Washington Choral Arts Society
- The Catholic University of America Chamber Choir and Chorus
- The Countertop Quartet/Ensemble
- Voix de Femmes
- Lenoir-Rhyne University Chapel Choir
- The Woodley Ensemble
- The Georgetown University Chapel Choir
- Villanova University Chapel Choir
- Choral Ensembles of Earlham College
- University of Notre Dame (Ind) Chapel Choir
Groups wishing to be considered for offering a special concert at the Cathedral should email Thomas Stehle, Director of Music Ministry, or call him at the rectory office at 202-347-3215.