On Demand Series | Meister Eckhart’s Way to Unity with God
February 7, 2023In this series we reflect on the 14th century German mystic Meister Eckhart’s teaching on gelassenheit or releasement (meaning letting go/letting be) as the key to unity with God (read below). Sessions are pre-recorded by L.J. Milone, author of "Nothing but God: The Everyday Mysticism of Meister Eckhart," for viewing on demand.

Watch Pre-recorded Sessions On Demand
Each session will include both a lecture and a discussion of one of Eckhart’s mystical sermons, with recommendations for further reading.
Links to pre-recorded Zoom sessions are listed below.
Session 1:
A Released Life
Session 1 Zoom link
Passcode: j#Z6PaHz
Session 2:
Releasing the Self
Session 2 Zoom link
Passcode: fs@TJ3yM
Session 3:
Releasing Knowledge
Session 3 Zoom link
Passcode: #2X$uPS0
Session 4:
Release into God beyond God
Session 4 Zoom link
Passcode: %=rASFx1
Session 5:
Released from Rigidity
Session 5 Zoom link
Passcode: RZgFJ.4n
Meister Eckhart and Gelassenheit or Releasement
Release yourself. Relax and effortlessly allow yourself to be one with God, says Meister Eckhart. Come learn how to release yourself into God.
In this series, we will reflect on Meister Eckhart’s teaching on gelassenheit or releasement (meaning letting go/letting be) as the key to unity with God.
Eckhart lived a gentle, detached, and active life; his life was guided by letting go and letting be. We will learn about his life in the context of his anxious, violent times – times very much like our own.
Releasing the self and its attachments, releasing into the God beyond God, freeing our consciousness, and shaking loose from all the shackles of rigidity and loneliness – whether in our minds or in society and religion – will form the core of our reflections. We will even avert to Eckhart’s thoughts on changing the church.
This series is taught by L.J. Milone, Director of Faith Formation and author of "Nothing but God: The Everyday Mysticism of Meister Eckhart."
Contact L.J. Milone for more information.