Program Overview
The Adopt-a-Family program provides gifts and material assistance to low-income families in our community for Easter, Back-to-School, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Through partnership with neighboring businesses and the parish’s generosity, this program has provided thousands of gifts to hundreds of families over the past several years. These families received clothing, household items, furniture, toys and food.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help contact families (English and bilingual Eng./Span. speakers), help collect donations, and help support each event in various ways. No long-term commitment is needed. You may participate in any or all of the above events.
Christmas Drive
Call for Christmas Program Sponsors
This program is successful through the immense support of neighboring businesses. If your work place is interested in giving back to those in need, please consider serving as a sponsor of one or more families.
For more information, email the Christmas Coordinator, Pam Quinn.
You may also call the rectory office at 202-347-3215.
Parishioner Reflection on Serving with Christmas Program
Parishioner, Pam Quinn, reflects on her call and service in coordinating the annual Christmas Program which serves low-income families, formerly homeless children, the L'Arche communities, and our Monday Morning Ministry guests. Read her reflection here.
Easter Drive
The parish collects Safeway and Giant grocery gift cards for the families in the program, to help the families celebrate the Risen Lord in Easter, through a family feast. If you have any questions, email the coordinator, Pedro Carroll.
Back-to-School Drive
The Back-to-School Drive helps families in the program with backpacks and school supplies. Email St. Matthew's for details.
Thanksgiving Drive
The parish collects Safeway and Giant grocery gift cards for the families in the program, to help the families celebrate Thanksgiving with a bountiful dinner. If you have any questions, email the coordinator Pedro Carroll.

Would you like to support an Adopt-a-Family Drive?
Donations are accepted year-round, please consider making a contribution to help with our parish efforts.
- Click here to make a donation through PayPal.
- After filling out the form with your address and credit card information, click “Review Donation and Continue.”
- Please indicate that you would like the donation to be made for one of the Adopt-a-Family Drives (Back-to-School, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter) by emailing Ricardo Tobar to confirm receipt of your donation.