Promoting a Culture of Life
The Respect Life Ministry is concerned with promoting and cultivating a culture of life and witnessing to the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death.
Monthly Rosary for Life
The monthly Rosary for Life in the Cathedral resumed in June 2021, after the 12:45pm Mass, every fourth Saturday of the month. All are invited to join the Respect Life Ministry as we pray the Rosary and litanies to Our Lady & St. Joseph for the intention of upholding the dignity of all human life, from conception through natural death. "There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary." - Sr. Lucia of Fatima
40 Days for Life Campaigns - Lent & Advent
The Respect Life Ministry invites you to participate in 40 Days for Life Campaign, by praying for an end to abortion. You can be a part of the Washington D.C. local campaign at Planned Parenthood. If you are interested in forming a parish group to pray together at the local Vigil site, please email Justin and Christina Silvers.
Annual Mother’s Day Drive
Each year we offer an opportunity to make a donation to the good works of The Northwest Center, a pro-life pregnancy center and maternity home located in the DC area.
March for Life
In partnership with the Archdiocese of Washington, St. Matthew's has hosted a special liturgy on or near January 22, the anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, at which we have welcomed groups from across the country who participate in the March for Life along Constitution Avenue.
In 2023, in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the Archdiocese of Washington has announced that Cardinal Gregory will celebrate a Youth Mass of Celebration and Thanksgiving at the Cathedral on January 20, 2023. Read the ADW announcement of the Mass and of the cancelation of the 2023 Youth Rally and Mass for Life.
Human Trafficking
Labor trafficking is a real problem in the Washington, DC area .It is defined as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery. Learn more about Human Trafficking and how you can help.
HIV/AIDS Support
St. Matthew's ministry hosts a special liturgy for World AIDS Day, December 1, which includes Mass, a candlelight vigil, and a reception. The event is co-hosted with Always God's Children.
Volunteering with the Respect Life Ministry
Volunteers interested in expanding this ministry in the areas of service, education and witness should contact Justin Silvers.