Chrism Mass
The Chrism Mass for the Archdiocese of Washington will be celebrated in the Cathedral by Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, on Monday of Holy Week, March 29 at 2pm. Join us via the Cathedral YouTube livestream in prayer for our priests. Due to the current 150-person maximum capacity of the Cathedral, we are unable to open the Mass to the public this year.
The Chrism Mass is celebrated annually during Holy Week and the sacred oils used by all parishes in the archdiocese over the next year for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and the Anointing of the Sick are blessed. During the Mass, the priests of the archdiocese renew the promises made at their ordination, reaffirming their commitment to Christ, to His Church and to priestly ministry.
The Cathedral is closed today (no Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and no 12:10pm Mass) to prepare for the Mass.
Monday of Holy Week, March 29, 2021
- The Cathedral is closed to the public today.
- † 2:00pm | Chrism Mass for the Archdiocese of Washington, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington
Cathedral YouTube livestream | Program
† Interpreted for the deaf
Livestream & Program
Watch the Chrism Mass livestream on the Cathedral YouTube channel. See the Chrism Mass program.