Centennial of the Nuns of the Battlefield Monument with Cardinal Gregory (Live Streamed)

Cardinal Gregory Celebrates Mass in honor of the Centennial of The Nuns of the Battlefield Monument (Live Streamed)

Following Mass there will be a rededication of the monument and unveiling of the wayside marker, to the memory and in honor of the various order of sisters who gave their services as nurses on battlefields and in hospitals during the Civil War. This event will be live streamed by the Archdiocese of Washington. Follow the link HERE.

The monument is located at Rhode Island Avenue across the street from St. Matthew’s Cathedral. The Monument honors Catholic nuns who served as nurses during the U.S. Civil War. These sister-nurses provided medical and spiritual care to soldiers on both sides of the conflict.

Nuns of the Battlefield Monument. Sculptor, Jerome Connor.

Erected in 1924, the monument honors the nuns who nursed sick and wounded soldiers during the American Civil War. The winged figures on the sides of the memorial represent patriotism and peace. Click on the image for the 1924 Washinton Star article about the original dedication ceremony.