Give to the Social Justice Ministry
Make a Donation to the Social Justice Ministry
Your gift to the Social Justice Ministry at St. Matthew's Cathedral will help to bring God's mercy to our brothers and sisters in greatest need. By giving your time, talent, and treasure, you are helping to build the Kingdom of God here in Washington, DC. Please follow the directions below to make a gift to the Social Justice Ministry.
- Choose “Donate” to the right.
- After filling out the form with your address and credit card information, click “Review Donation and Continue.”
- Choose “Comments” and in the comments window, indicate how you would like your gift to be used. For example, you may choose the following:
- Adopt-a-Family Program Thanksgiving Drive
- Adopt-a-Family Program Christmas Drive
- Adopt-a-Family Easter Drive
- Emergency Assistance Fund
- Homeless Ministry
- Respect Life Ministry
- Social Justice Advocacy and Education Ministry
- Special Projects
- If you wish your gift to remain anonymous, please indicate that as well.
Many thanks for your support!