Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, & Jubilee Opening | January 1, 2025
December 8, 2024Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and the Jubilee Opening

All are welcome in the Cathedral to celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and the Jubilee Opening on Wednesday, January 1, at 11am. Cardinal Wilton Gregory is the principal celebrant and homilist.
As we approach the upcoming Jubilee Year, the Church invites us to reflect deeply on the rich history of grace, mercy, and renewal that such a holy occasion brings. A Jubilee is a time of great significance in the life of the Church, a time for reconciliation, restoration, and profound spiritual renewal. Rooted in the ancient practice described in the Book of Leviticus, the Jubilee Year was a time when all debts were forgiven, land was returned to its rightful owners, and the people of God were called to turn back to Him with hearts of repentance and joy.
This upcoming Jubilee Year is an invitation for each of us to experience anew the boundless mercy of God. It is a call to draw nearer to Christ, to deepen our relationship with Him through prayer, the sacraments, and acts of charity. In this sacred time, we are reminded that God's love is always greater than our sins, and His mercy is ever-present, ready to heal and restore.
The Church encourages us to partake in the special graces offered during this year—through the Jubilee indulgences, through works of charity, and through deeper participation in the sacramental life. These graces are a reminder that we are never alone in our journey of faith. God, in His great love, walks with us, constantly calling us to come closer to His divine heart.
The Jubilee Year is also a time to renew our commitment to justice and peace, following the example of Christ, who proclaimed freedom for the oppressed and healing for the brokenhearted. It is a moment to examine our own hearts and to forgive as we have been forgiven. In this way, the Jubilee Year becomes a powerful opportunity not only for personal conversion but for the renewal of the entire Church—uniting us all in the work of the Kingdom of God.
As we approach this sacred year, let us prepare ourselves by seeking reconciliation with God and with one another, embracing the fullness of God's mercy, and living lives of joyful witness to His love. May the Jubilee Year be a time of great grace for the whole Church, and may it lead us all closer to the heart of Christ.