Farewell, Fr. John!
May 21, 2024Read the farewell message from Msgr. Jameson, Cathedral Rector
Fr. John Named Administrator of MD Parish
Fr. John Benson, St. Matthew’s Parochial Vicar, who helped to lead us all, body and soul, through the pandemic and beyond, has been named Administrator of St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Prince Frederick, MD, effective July 3, 2024
During his first 5 years as a priest—spent here ministering among our English- and Spanish-speaking communities—Fr. John has touched so many lives and positively influenced so many aspects of parish life. He will be sorely missed!
June 23rd Farewell Celebrations
Save the date for Fr. John’s farewell celebrations after the 9am, 11am, 1pm and 5:30pm Masses on June 23 - the date of his last Sunday Mass here as Parochial Vicar.
Let’s keep Fr. John in our prayers as he prepares for this transition and new chapter in priestly life!
Check back for updates, including news of Fr. John’s successor at St. Matthew’s.