CARA Online Survey

October 10, 2024

A Message from Monsignor Jameson

My dear parishioners,

You have seen in the e-letter and in this week's events sheet distributed by the ministers of hospitality that we are participating in a national survey sponsored by CARA. CARA is the major Catholic research group in the U.S. I was on its board for several years, and I attest to its work. CARA has been commissioned to do a major interfaith survey to help gauge how the COVID pandemic has affected your faith life, worship life, and spirituality. It is designed to be responded to by any adult who participates in parish life in any way. This is a major undertaking in our country. Please, may I ask you to take a few moments to take the survey. It will help us here at St. Matthew's to better meet your needs. So please, I encourage you to respond. It is available in many ways: e-letter, events sheet, website, parish emails, and parish social media.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

You can access the survey by scanning the QR code above or by accessing the link to the survey HERE.