Faith Formation - January - June 2012 Brochure
A listing of St. Matthew's Faith Formation events and programs through June 2012, including our Lenten Lecture series, is now available. Click here for viewing format or here for printable format.
Lenten Lecture Series - Pray All—Ways
Today at 12:45pm, following the 12:10pm Mass, Dr. Edward McCormack, Chair & Associate Professor of Spirituality, Washington Theological Union, speaks to us on "Prayer in the Christian Life." The lecture is given in the North Conference Room.
The three traditional pillars of Lenten observance are almsgiving, fasting, and prayer. In his First Letter to the Thessalonians, Saint Paul exhorts: “Pray without ceasing.” (5:17). This year’s Lenten Lecture Series will focus on cultivating a richer attitude and practice of prayer in our daily lives.
Below is the schedule of our five-part series of one-hour lectures given in the North Conference Room.
• Prayer in the Christian Life
Wednesday, February 29 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass)
Dr. Edward McCormack, Chair & Associate Professor of Spirituality, Washington Theological Union
Thursday, March 1 at 7pm
Br. Edward Ogden, OSFS, Director of Formation, DeSales Hall, Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
• Praying Together
Wednesday, March 7 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) or Thursday, March 8 at 7pm
Deacon Augustine Marie Reisenauer, OP, Dominican House of Studies
• Praying Alone
Wednesday, March 14 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) or Thursday, March 14 at 7pm
Mr. Louis J. Milone, Director of Adult Faith Formation, St. John the Baptist Church, Silver Spring, MD
• Personality and Prayer
Wednesday, March 21 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) or Thursday, March 22 at 7pm
Ms. Heather Kinney, Director of Faith Formation, Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle
• Praying Better
Wednesday, March 28 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) or Thursday, March 29 at 7pm
Mrs. Lolita Jardeleza, Prayer Minister, Academy of hte Holy Cross, Kensington, DC