Join us for A Conversation with Jem Sullivan, Ph.D.
Theresa Prymuszewski, St. Matthew's Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation, speaks with Dr. Sullivan on the New Directory for Catechesis.
Topic: Reflections on the New Directory for Catechesis (July 2020) published by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization – A Conversation with Theresa Prymuszewski, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation at the Cathedral.
Dr. Jem Sullivan holds a doctorate in Religious Education from The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC (CUA). She teaches Catechetics in the School of Theology and Religious Studies at CUA. She is the author of three books from Our Sunday Visitor. As catechetical consultant, she has authored adult faith formation programs and resources for various dioceses. Jem has served as docent at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC where she has led public tours providing a “Lectio Viso” prayerful interpretations of the museum’s masterpiece collections.
Thanks to Edward J. Damich for his sponorship of this lecture.
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