"Don’t forget your sustainable cup!"
View the flier and see the UPDATE below.
Join St. Matthew's Creation Care Green Team for our brown bag Film-Luncheon. We will watch the award-winning short film "Forest Man" by William Douglas McMaster, starring Jadav Payeng, the “Forest Man,” and enjoy a good conversation about environmental justice, ecological conversion and change of heart, with distinguished guest theologian and Indian film and media specialist Rayappa Kancharla, Diocese of New Delhi, Caritas India, Save the Children International, Global Catholic Climate Movement LSA.
*** UPDATE *** Film Protagonist to Join Zoom Event
The film's protagonist, Jadav Payeng, the “Forest Man”, will join our Zoom session from a remote village in India, where he is invited as a special Earth Day guest. Mr. Kancharla is in the process to facilitate the technical aspects - and he will translate the conversation for us.
In 2015, Jadav Payeng was honored with Padma Shri, by President Pranab Mukherjee.
Padma Shri is the fourth highest civilian award in India.
Mr. Jadav Payeng also received honorary doctorate degrees from Assam Agricultural University and Kaziranga University for his contributions.
Jadav Payeng belongs to the Mising tribe in Assam, India.
Zoom Meeting
The Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle’s Care for Creation Team invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: St. Matthew’s Care for Creation Green Team’s EarthDay 2021 Film Luncheon + Conversation
Time: Apr 22, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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