On November 14, 2021, we celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral Church of St. Matthew at all Masses, as well as at Saturday's Vigil Mass, with special prayers and readings. Scroll down to read a bit about the history of this celebration (in English and Spanish).
All Masses are open to the public. Visitors are most welcome! Face coverings are required inside the Cathedral, regardless of vaccination status.
- Masses | Saturday 5:30pm Vigil (Cantor & Organ)& Sunday 7am, 9am (Quartet),11am (Quartet),1pm (Spanish) (Choir), &5:30pm
(click on Mass time for program) - Online Offertory options | PayPal & FaithDirect
- Penn Parking Garage next to the Cathedral is open from 8:30am to 7pm Sundays ($5 Sunday rate)
- Cathedral Hours | 6:30am - 7pm
- Livestreams | The Sunday 11am and 1pm (Spanish) Masses are livestreamed on our YouTube channel and shared to our Facebook page.
Livestreamed Masses for the
Dedication of the Cathedral Church of St. Matthew the Apostle
11am (English),
Fr. Brian Paulson, SJ, celebrant
YouTube | Program | Readings
1pm (Spanish)
Padre John Benson, celebrante
YouTube | Programa | Lecturas
If you can't make it for Mass, we invite you to celebrate this occasion by taking our 360° virtual tour.
History of this Anniversary
Although St. Matthew's has been the cathedral church of the Archdiocese since the establishment of the Archdiocese of Washington in 1939, it was liturgically consecrated on November 14, 1976. Join us as we celebrate the 45th dedication anniversary at all Masses on Sunday, November 14, 2021.
As explained in an October 21, 1976 Catholic Standard article announcing the consecration, "Among the reasons that it has not yet been consecrated is the fact that it was built over a period of several decades and only recently has the interior been completed, with the addition of the baptistry, a new altar mensa and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel."
Cardinal Baum, Archbishop of Washington at the time of the consecration, wrote, "The consecration of a Church is a sign of the intention and willingness of the People of the Church to dedicate themselves as well to God's holy purposes and to the accomplishment of His holy will. Since the Cathedral Church is the principal Church of the Archdiocese of Washington, its consecration is an area-wide celebration for the Catholic Church."
Historia de este Aniversario
Aunque la iglesia de San Mateo ha sido la cathedral de la Arquidiócesis desde el establecimiento de la Arquidiócesis de Washington en 1939, ésta fue consagrada litúrgicamente el 14 de noviembre de 1976. Unanse a nuestra celebración del aniversario número 45 de la dedicación en todas las misas del domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2021.
Tal como fue explicado en un artículo anunciando la consagración, el cual fue publicado el 21 de octubre de 1976 en el periódico Catholic Standard, "Entre las razones por la cual no ha sido consagrada todavía es el hecho de que fue construida a través de un período de varias décadas y sólo recientemente el interior ha sido completado con la adición del baptisterio, una mesa nueva en el altar y la Capilla del Santísimo."
Cardinal Baum, quien era Arzobispo de Washington al momento de la consagración, escribió: "La consagración de una Iglesia es una signo de la intención y voluntad del Pueblo de la Iglesia a dedicarse ellos mismos también a los santos propósitos de Dios y a cumplir con Su Santa voluntad. Como la Catedral es la Iglesia principal de la Arquidiócesis de Washington, su consagración es una celebración para la Iglesia Católica en toda el área."