The Scrutiny Rite of RCIA - Going forward coming closer toward the RCIA Sacraments of Initiation!
In March, our current RCIA members were ready to begin the Purification and Enlightenment phase of the RCIA process. During this phase, our members of the Elect and our Candidates were called to intensify their prayer lives and discern more deeply their desire to join the Church. As the larger parish community, we were - and are - called to help them develop their relationship with God and the Church and to pray for them. Even though the communal celebration of the Scrutinies was delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, our RCIA members continue to meet, pray and prepare.
As the date for the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist draws closer, we will celebrate one of the RCIA Scrutinies as their penultimate preparation. You are invited to join us for the celebration of the Scrutiny at the 5:30pm Mass on Sunday, July 12. This rite is an important part of the Purification and Enlightenment phase. During this Scrutiny, the Gospel of John 4:5-42 is proclaimed in which Jesus provides living water to the woman of Samaria. Together with our Elect, we look within ourselves for the living water of Christ. We pray for the Elect who will soon experience the living waters of baptism when they are fully received into the Church! Please remember our RCIA Elect in your prayers.