Effective Sunday, January 17 at 12Noon, the DC security perimeter for the Inauguration will include the Cathedral, with no vehicular or pedestrian traffic permitted in the immediate area. Please note the following schedule updates:
Sunday Mass Schedule
- On Sunday, January 17 -
- The 7am and 10am Masses remain open to the public up to the 150-person maximum.
- The 10am Mass will be livestreamed as usual.
- The 1pm Spanish Mass will not be open to the public but will be livestreamed.
- The 5:30pm Mass is canceled.
No Weekday Mass until Further Notice
- The Cathedral will close immediately after the 10am Mass on January 17 and will remain closed, with all public Masses canceled, until further notice.
Rectory Office Closed until Further Notice
- The rectory office is closed and without staffing until further notice. Please leave a voice mail if you call. Voice mail messages will be monitored and your calls will be returned.
Please check back here for updates.