“Un-Natural Gas: Methane’s Threat to Climate and Health.”
Saturday, June 26, 2021, 9-11am
Meet in front of the Cathedral at 9am
Washington Interfaith Network (WIN), of which St. Matthew's is a member, organizes congregations to measure methane leakage in their neighborhoods by hosting "methane sniffing" events. Groups use a methane sniffing machine and record gas levels at manholes in streets, sidewalks and alleys. The data is then used in WIN advocacy efforts to remedy the leakage and press for conversion to 100% renewable energy.
St. Matthew's Creation Care Team invites you to join us on Saturday, June 26, as Barbara Briggs, a WIN activist and local leader in Beyond Gas DC, leads a walk to measure methane leaks in the Cathedral neighborhood. Barbara has led other WIN congregations on similar walks using a hand-held methane sensor to detect high-risk leakage. We are grateful to have Barbara join us to share her equipment and her expertise, and to discuss strategies to move beyond natural gas as a primary energy source.