Join us online for an Advent Morning of Reflection from 10am to Noon on Saturday, December 5, led by Rev. Johnpaul Cafiero, OFM (Order of Friars Minor) from Chicago.
Our theme will be: "Preparing for the Prince of Peace with the Prayer of St. Francis."
Fr. Cafiero is a Franciscan Priest of the Sacred Heart Province of Chicago/St. Louis. A former police officer, he worked as a counselor and chaplain at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center in Chicago. He ministers to victims of physical and sexual abuse. He has lectured and led retreats throughout the U.S. and internationally. Fr. Cafiero served as vice president of Spiritual Life and Pastoral Counseling at Hales Franciscan High School, Chicago. Currently he serves as Pastoral Associate at Holy Family in Inverness and chaplain for the Illinois State Police.
Topic: Cathedral Advent Retreat - Fr. Johnpaul Cafiero, OFM December 5, 2020 10am-12 Noon
Time: Dec 5, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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