Advocacy Event - Is Homelessness in DC Growing or Declining?
Our parish is very active in helping to feed and clothe those in need through various efforts, especially through the Monday Morning Ministry. As an effort to increase our efforts on another level - through advocacy - one of the Monday Morning Ministry coordinators will be leading an information session on homelessness and housing in DC.
Is the problem getting better or worse? What are our political leaders doing to address chronic homelessness? What is happening with the removal of encampments, or "tent cities"? Is there anything you could do to try to increase affordable housing in DC?
Join in person or virtually on Monday, December 6 at 6:45pm.
St. Matthew's belongs to The Way Home Campaign (TWHC) the advocacy arm of Miriam's Kitchen. The overall goal of TWHC is to end chronic homelessness in DC. Jim Nash met with the leader of TWHC, Jesse Rabinowitz, and received an update on the progress that has been made, what remains to be done, as well as advocacy opportunities next year for anyone interested in working to end chronic homelessness in our city.
Topic: Is Homelessness in DC Growing or Declining?
Time: Dec 6, 2021 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 8551 7324
Passcode: 0vVibH
If you come in person, we will gather in the North Conference Room (right side of the Cathedral, entrance is found through the garage entry. Ring doorbell when you arrive).
RSVP by emailing Jim Nash. You may also contact Norma Canedo-Estrada or Fr. Benson at the rectory at 202-347-3215.