St. Matthew's Social Justice Committee continues its annual tradition of hosting Simple Lenten Meals, promoting almsgiving during the Lenten season. Due to the pandemic, this year's program will be virtual. Join us online on Fridays of Lent, 6:30 to 7:30pm, to hear from local organizations that practice acts of charity and learn about their mission and how you can support their good works. It's also a chance to practice Lenten almsgiving by donating to our featured charitable organizations.
March 26 - Martha's Table
Join to learn more about the mission of Martha's Table of increasing access to quality education, health and wellness, and family resources.
Join Webex meeting:
Join Simple Lenten Meals each Friday at: (ID: 1203061213, password: rUB9AsJY)
Join by phone: (US toll) +1 202-860-2110 (access code: 1203061213)
Make a Donation
We invite your donation via check (payable to Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle with "Martha's Table" on memo line) or through an online donation following the instructions listed below.
- Choose the “Donate” button at the top.
- After filling out the form with your address and credit card information, click “Review Donation and Continue.”
- Choose “Comments” and in the comments window, write "Martha's Table". To Confirm that your donation is assigned to them, you may email Norma Canedo.
- If you wish your gift to remain anonymous, please indicate that as well.
Many thanks for your support!