We serve Simple Lenten Meals (en español) in the North Conference Room on the Friday evenings of Lent following the 6pm Stations of the Cross.
Each Friday we collect donations to benefit a different community-based organization in Washington, DC. On Friday, March 27, the beneficiary will be the Little Sisters of the Poor. Consider spending your early Friday evening with St. Matthew's family and friends - come for the 5:30pm Mass, 6pm Stations of the Cross, and end with a shared meal organized by St. Matthew's Liturge Committee, and this great opportunity for almsgiving.
Please visit the Little Sisters of the Poor website www.littlesistersofthepoorwashingtondc.org from which the following is summarized.
The Little Sisters of the Poor are an international congregation of Roman Catholic women founded in 1839 by Saint Jeanne Jugan that cares for the elderly poor in over 30 countries. "[W]e care for the elderly poor in the spirit of humble service we have received from our foundress."
Our MISSION - to offer the neediest elderly of every race and religion a home where they will be welcomed as Christ, cared for as family and accompanied with dignity until God calls them to himself.
Our VISION - to contribute to the Culture of Life by nurturing communities where each person is valued, the solidarity of the human family and the wisdom of age are celebrated, and the compassionate love of Christ is shared with all.
Our VALUES - Reverence for human life's sacredness and each person's uniqueness, especially the poorest and weakest, reflected in holistic, person-centered care.
FAMILY SPIRIT: a spirit of joyful hospitality embracing all with open arms, hearts and minds and fostering a home-like atmosphere that rejects discrimination.
HUMBLE SERVICE: putting our Residents' needs before ours and appreciating simple everyday tasks, experiences, and humble means in accomplishing our work.
COMPASSION: empathy for sharing others' weaknesses and sufferings, and eagerness to relieve pain and make the elderly happy.
STEWARDSHIP: responsibly using God's gifts and trusting in God's Providence and human generosity for our needs with a spirit of gratitude and sharing.
PHILOSOPHY - We welcome low-income elderly regardless of faith, race, or religion; provide optimal medical care with emotional and spiritual support; encourage meaningful activities, a pastoral program, and offer daily Mass; follow Roman Catholic Church teachings especially that of the sanctity of human life; and compassionately care for the dying to ensure no one dies alone. As our foundress Saint Jeanne Jugan said, "Making the elderly happy, that is what counts!"
OUR BEGGING TRADITION - Placing All One's Confidence in God
Saint Jeanne Jugan followed the evangelical challenge: live day to day, never amass goods or money, refuse perpetual endowments, and place all one's confidence in God. She traveled on foot seeking alms, food, and clothing. "Our begging Sister," Sr. Jeanne Veronique, continues this 173-year-old tradition several times weekly with another Little Sister, visiting businesses in our "begging van," and archdiocese parishioners with our "begging basket." We also gratefully receive generous food and other donations collected by parishes and schools.
Like Saint Jeanne Jugan, we believe that if we are faithful to our mission of caring for the poor, God will provide.