All are welcome to adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at a Eucharistic Holy Hour on Monday, December 15 from 6 to 7pm, with a mediation by Deacono Nickel on the Incarnation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available during the hour.
This Advent Season is an ideal time to grow and gain an intimate knowledge of Christ. It is a time when
—we are shaken awake;
—we are called to integrity and authenticity;
—we confess and proclaim our faith;
—we respond to God with reverent awe.
This Sunday, December 14, the church remembers St John of the Cross, the great poet, Carmelite Mystic and Doctor of the Church. You are invited to a mediation on the Incarnation based on this poem:
"With the divine Word made pregnant,
the Virgin walks this way,
would that you might let her stay with you."
Why Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament?
"In a world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of Jesus concealed in the Host. . . . It is a source of comfort and light, particularly to those who are suffering.” (Pope Benedict XVI)
The U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops made a video (click here to view) that includes short testimonies by area people on why they participate in Eucharistic Adoration. You may recognize the Adoration Chapel at St. Agnes in Arlington, VA, which offers Perpetual Adoration (24/7).
"Adoration is the first attitude of man acknowledging that he is a creature before his Creator. It exalts the greatness of the Lord who made us and the almighty power of the Savior who sets us free from evil. Adoration is homage of the spirit to the 'King of Glory,' respectful silence in the presence of the "ever greater" God. Adoration of the thrice-holy and sovereign God of love blends with humility and gives assurance to our supplications." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2628)