Parish Celebration of Our Patronal Feast
St. Matthew's Cathedral Parish celebrates the Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, on Sunday, September 21. Our parish patronal feast day will be celebrated as a solemnity, with special prayers and readings at all Masses.
The Calling of St. Matthew
Jesus’ calling of Matthew to discipleship, which is the subject of the Gospel reading for the Feast of St. Matthew, is depicted in the mural in the west transept of the Cathedral entitled The Calling of St. Matthew(below).
In the mural scene, Christ calls St. Matthew, who appears astounded by the Master’s words. St. Peter, with his keys, stands to the left of Christ. On both sides of the central figures are a man and a woman. The couple on the left looks scornfully at the scene, while the other stands by in veneration. The setting is a portico beyond which are theLake ofGalilee and the distant hills. Above, a choir of six angels offers incense. Take a moment when you are in the Cathedral, and take a look!
St. Matthew, pray for us!