Single Servings of Service - Mary House

Join St. Matthew's Parishioners as we spruce up one of house of Mary House, located about a 15-minutes walk from the Brookland Metro. We will carpool from the Cathedral at 9:30am.

Mary House is actually 15 houses in DC which offer transitional housing services, shelter, and support programs to homeless and struggling famiies. St. Matthew's Parishioners will go to one house in Brookland where, indoors, we will clean the food pantry, clothing storage room, and common areas of an apartment house and, outdoors, we will place mulch, rake leaves, and move some rocks around the yard.  

At Mary' House, the transitional housing program comes first, supplemented by food deliveries from the community pantry, clothing, games, school supplies, and counseling. After school, youngsters work on language, homework, and study skills(summer means daycamp). Parents study English too, and a women's support group explores issues of common concern, like raising children in a foreign country. Families attend work shops on money management, home ownership, employment and other topics. In-house advocates help them access the medical and child services for which they are eligible, and a web of partnerships works to ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need. Recovering from trauma and putting a life back together can be a daunting experience. St. Matthew's Cathedral can make a difference here.