SMYA Day Retreat at the Franciscan Monastery

On Saturday, May 17th, SMYA will host its annual Day Retreat at the Franciscan Monastery near Catholic University. Our presenter is Fr. James Greenfield, and our topic is "Go in Peace to Love and Serve"- Liturgy as a Source of Strength. As you know, Fr. Greenfield is an excellent homilist, and last year's retreat was a huge success, so please consider joining us.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP no later than 5pm Wednesday, May 14. We are making our final counts and planning to buy food, so our ability to add late requests will be limited.


  • 9-9:45 am Arrival and breakfast
  • 9:45 Fr. Greenfield begins Morning Prayer and then Large Group Discussion
  • 12 noon Lunch in informal small groups
  • 1pm Two hours of free time to include Rosary, Confession, Monastery Tours, private reading and reflection
  • 3pm Mass with Fr. Greenfield outdoors at the Lourdes Grotto
  • 4pm Dismissal

The Monastery is located at 1400 Quincy NE and is accessible by Metrobus and Metrorail (about a 15 minute walk from Brookland/CUA Red Line stop). The registration fee is $25 and includes your meals and the cost for use of facilities.

Any other questions, please email us! Thanks, and hope to see many of you there!