Pilgrimage Information Session

Join Msgr Jameson after the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday, January 11 in the North Conference Room for an information session on the upcoming Marian Pilgrimage to Prague, Vienna and Salzburg. We will discuss the itinerary and answer your questions regarding travel arrangements and activities on this spiritual journey. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet your fellow travelers. Drinks and refreshments will be served. RSVP to Marie Mattingly at emarie63@verizon.net. The registration deadline is February 1, 2014. Registration is available at www.pilgrimages.com/stmatthewscathedral. The brochure with full itinerary is available on the parish website. You also may pick one up at the rectory, or call Msgr. Jameson for more information. The group will leave Washington on April 23, 2014 and return on May 4, 2014. This journey guarantees to be the experience of a lifetime!