St. Matthew's Care for Creation Green Team invites you to celebrate the Season of Creation 2021 (September 1 - October 4, 2021) via Zoom in the spirit of the ADW Laudato Si' Action Plan in harmony with Pope Francis' 7-Year Laudato Si' Action Plan.
On Wednesday, September 22, join the Creation Care Green Team on Zoom for reflections and conversations on climate as a common good, as we approach Sunday's Mass in Commemoration of World Day of Migrants and Refugees:
22 SEPTEMBER 2021, Wed, 12:00p-1:00p ZOOM Climate as a Common Good (LS 25). Pope Francis: "Towards an Ever Wider “We”.” Reflections and conversations in anticipation of the Mass on Sunday with Bishop Mario Dorsonville and Monsignor Jameson at our beloved Cathedral, at 5:30 PM to Commemorate THE 107th WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES 2021
Below is the full schedule of events (click below for the PDF file with links).