Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P., was ordained a priest in the Upper Church of the National Shrine on Saturday, May 21 at 9:30am by the Most Rev. J. Augustine DiNoia, O.P., Adjunct Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Bro. Patrick is currently pursuing his Licentiate in theology at the Dominican House of Studies. He celebrated his first Mass of Thanksgiving at the Cathedral on Sunday, May 22 at 10am.
While at St. Matthew’s, then-Bro. Patrick worked principally with parents (whose children are in religious education) by leading a Sunday morning seminar, with young adults, and in various capacities as a liturgical minister. He graduated from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, where he majored in philosophy and French literature. Since joining the Dominican Order, he has served in parish and campus ministry, as an intern at the Archdiocese of Washington, and as a missionary in Kenya (alongside the Missionaries of Charity).
Fr. Patrick would like to thank all the St. Matthew's parishioners he has come to know over these two years for their kindness, encouragement and prayers! Assigned to temporary ministries with the Dominican Order this summer, he will return to Washington this fall to complete his studies. All are welcome!
Please keep Fr. Patrick in your prayers as he begins his priestly ministry.