St. Matthew’s Cathedral presents the Office of Vespers for Laetare Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The Office will be sung entirely in Latin. In addition to the chanted hymns, psalms, and responsory, the sung Magnificat will be Palestrina’s canticle on Gregorian Tone I for eight voices. The choir will also sing the Introit for Laetare Sunday which gives this feast its name; the motet Vere Languores of Tomas Luis de Victoria; a contemporary chant-based motet Deus, Qui Illuminas by Spanish composer Julio Dominguez; and a setting of the responsory Attende Domine by John Osterhagen. The liturgy will be presented according to the Roman Liturgia Horarum, complete with the censing of the altar during the singing of the Magnificat. Complete texts and translations will be provided. The annual celebration of Gregorian Vespers led by the Schola Cantorum is one of the most beloved musical events at the Cathedral each year. Join us and deepen your Lenten experience with the timeless beauty of Gregorian chant!