Join us in front of the Cathedral on Sunday, September 23 after the 10am, 11:30am or the 1:00pm Masses for a bake sale in support of vocations. Run for Vocations is a ministry that supports vocations by raising funds to assist seminarians with unanticipated expenses. Laypeople, religious and clergy from around the Archdiocese of Washington have teamed up to "Run for Vocations" in the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon / 10K on Sunday, October 28. The St. Matthew's Run for Vocations Team has committed to raising at least $250-$500 per person tosupport our Archdiocesan seminarians and we invite you to support this mission by buying home-baked items at the bake sale and also keeping our seminarians and team members in your prayers. We look forward to seeing you on September 23.
For more information or to contribute baked goods, contact Sarah at Non-perishable baked goods can be dropped off Sunday morning, anytime after 9am, at the bake sale tables in front of the Cathedral. Please do not bring anything that needs refrigeration. Many thanks for your support!