Reflecting Christ in the Public Square

This year’s Fall Lecture Series will focus on “Faithful Citizenship.” Explore the Church’s social justice teachings, and how they relate to political issues with leading Catholic theologians, lawyers and social activists. Some of our presenters include Dr. Angela Senander from WTU, George Garvey, Esq. from CUA, and Sr. Simone Campbell, SSS from NETWORK. The series will take place every Wednesday and Thursday in October. Wednesday Lectures are from 12:45 PM to 1:30 PM in the North Conference Room. Thursday Lectures are from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the North Conference Room. First Lecture is “An Introduction to the Faithful Citizenship Document and its Historical Background.” This lecture will provide an overview to the document and highlight some of its important themes. It will be presented on October 1 & 2. Second Lecture is “Why Catholics Should Participate in Public Life?” This talk will focus on the responsibility of all Catholics to participate in the public life of their nation, and why participation is apart of one’s vocation. It will be presented on October 8 & 9. Third Lecture is “What is the Common Good?” In this lecture we will examine what the common good is and how it differs from the individual good. It will be presented on October 15 & 16. Fourth Lecture is “How to Inform Your Conscience.” The lecture will focus on how to form one’s conscience, and how to make moral choices. It will be presented on October 23 & 24. Fifth Lecture is “Reflecting Christ in the Public Square.” In our final lecture, we will examine the goals of political life which is to reflect Christ in the public square. How do we as Catholics integrate our faith into the world? It will be presented on October 29 & 30.