Happy Feast of St. Matthew!
The universal Church observed the Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, on Saturday, September 21. Here at St. Matthew's, we celebrated that day as a solemnity, with music (cantor and organ) at the 12:10pm Mass.
Parish Celebration of our Patronal Feast
Today, Sunday, September 22, our parish family celebrates the Feast of St. Matthew as a solemnity with special readings and prayers at the 11:30am and 1pm (Spanish) Masses. Celebrate our parish patronal feast day at Hospitality receptions in the North Conference room following all Sunday Masses and the 5:30pm Vigil Mass on September 21. We also will hold our Ministry Fair and begin our Parish Mission, led by Jesuit Father Gerard Stockhausen, to include a special evening reflection at 7:30pm in the Cathedral. View the flyer.
The Calling of St. Matthew
Jesus’ calling of Matthew to discipleship, which is the subject of the Gospel reading for the Feast of St. Matthew at the 11:30am and 1pm Masses on Sunday, September 22, is depicted in the mural in the west transept of the Cathedral entitled The Calling of St. Matthew (below)—take a moment and take a look! In the mural scene, Christ calls St. Matthew, who appears astounded by the Master’s words. St. Peter, with his keys, stands to the left of Christ. On both sides of the central figures are a man and a woman. The couple on the left looks scornfully at the scene, while the other stands by in veneration. The setting is a portico beyond which are theLake ofGalilee and the distant hills. Above, a choir of six angels offers incense.
St. Matthew, pray for us!