Our series, Voices of Catholic Spirituality, continues with a lecture on St. Teresa of Avila, also known as St. Teresa of Jesus. Join us on Wednesday, March 20at 12:45pm as Dr. Kathleen Brown, Acting Associate Director, Doctor of Ministry Program, Virginia Theological Seminary, speaks to us on this Spanish mystic and reformer of the Carmelite order. (Did you know that the Institute for Carmelite Studies located in Northeast Washington, DC, publishes translations of the Carmelite classics (including Kindle, NOOK and iBookstore editions), including Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Lawrence of the Resurrection, Thérèse of Lisieux, Elizabeth of the Trinity, and Edith Stein?)
Our Lenten series will highlight a select few of the great saints and mystics of our rich Catholic tradition. Each talk will focus on a particular spiritual tradition and the ways in which it calls and speaks to us today.
Week 1 - St. Clare
Wednesday, February 20, 12:45pm
Thursday, February 21, 7pm
Sr. Ilia Delio, O.S.F., Research Fellow
Woodstock Theological Center
Georgetown University
Week 2 - St. Benedict
Wednesday, February 27, 12:45pm
Thursday, February 28, 7pm
Sr. Cecilia Dwyer, O.S.B., Prioress
Benedictine Sisters of Virginia
Week 3 - Meister Eckhart
Wednesday, March 6, 12:45pm (cancelled due to closing)
Thursday, March 7, 7pm
Br. Albert Duggan, O.P., Transitional Deacon
Dominican House of Studies
Week 4 - St. Frances de Sales
Wednesday, March 13, 12:45pm
Thursday, March 14, 7pm
Rev. Donald Heet, O.S.F.S., Vocation Director
Wilmington-Philadelphia Province
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
Week 5
St. Teresa of Avila
Wednesday, March 20, 12:45pm
Dr. Kathleen Brown, Acting Associate Director
Doctor of Ministry Program
Virginia Theological Seminary
Week 5
Julian of Norwich
Thursday, March 21, 7pm
Dr. Julia Lamm, Associate Professor
Department of Theology
Georgetown University
All lectures will be given in the North Conference Room. For more information, contact Heather Kinney at hkinney@stmatthewscathedral.org.