"JustMarried" Dinner & Discussion with a "Cathedral Couple"

St. Matthew's "JustMarried" group invites all newly married couples (within three years) for dinner, fellowship and a discussion with a "Cathedral Couple," who will share some observations on married and family life in Christ. Find out the details and join us!

St. Matthew's "JustMarried" group brings together newly married couples (within three years) for fellowship and service projects. On Thursday, April 11 join us for dinner and discussion with a “Cathedral Couple.” Will Young and Beth Garcia met, dated and married at St. Matthew's and are living “happily ever after” with their 3 young children, whom they are raising in the faith . . . and it all began here at the Cathedral!

Time: 6:30pm – social & heavy hors d’oeuvres followed at 7pm by discussion and fellowship
Location: Great Hall of the Cathedral Rectory (enter via Rectory)
RSVP to Susan Allen at justmarried.stmatthews@gmail.com. When you RSVP, please sign up to bring an hors d’oeuvre to share.

We hope to see you theree!