Forming the Laity for the New Evangelization - Fall Lecture #5

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Fall Lecture Series - Exploring the New Evangelization

Today at 12:45pm, following the 12:10pm Mass, Ms. Susan Timoney speaks to us on "Forming the Laity for the New Evangelization." The lecture is given in the North Conference Room.

In his August 2010 pastoral letter, Disciples of the Lord: Sharing the Vision, Cardinal Donald Wuerl invites Catholics to renew and reinvigorate their own faith and then to invite others whose faith has grown stale to reconnect and rediscover Christ. Pope Benedict XVI calls this invitation a “reproposing” of our faith and the “New Evangelization.” Join us for this year’s Fall Lecture Series, when we will focus on Exploring the New Evangelization. Below is the schedule of our five-part series of one-hour lectures, which will be held in the North Conference Room.

•  Catholic Identity in the Third Millennium

Wednesday, September 28 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) Thursday, September 29, 7pm 

Rev. Anthony Pogorelc, SS, Fellow, Institute for Policy Research  & Catholic Studies, The Catholic University of America

•  What is the New Evangelization?

Wednesday, October 5 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) Thursday, October 6, 7pm

Mr. C. Colt Anderson, Vice-President for Academic Affairs & Academic Dean, Washington Theological Union

 •  Catholic Social Teaching as an Agent of  the New   Evangelization 

Wednesday, October 12 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) Thursday, October 13, 7pm

Mr. John Carr, Executive Director, Department of Justice, Peace & Human Development, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

 •  The New Evangelization and Parish Vitality 

Wednesday, October 19 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) Thursday, October 20, 7pm

Ms. Magdalena Gutierrez, Coordinator of Evangelizaton, Archdiocese of Washington

  Forming the Laity for the New Evangelization 

Wednesday, October 26 at 12:45pm (following the 12:10pm Mass) Thursday, October 27, 7pm

Ms. Susan Timoney, Executive Director, Department for Parish Life, Archdiocese of Washington