Challenges to Daily Discipleship

Seminarian and St. Matthew’s parishioner Nathaniel Hurd will give a series of talks with discussion on “How to Be a Full-Time Christian" in the Parish Hall of St Mary's Church, 520 Veirs Mill Rd, Rockville MD (next to Rockville Metro stop, Red Line; parking available). Talks will be given on Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. All are welcome.

  • July 6: "Conversion for Cradle Catholics and Non-Catholics"
  • July 13: "Challenges to Daily Discipleship"
  • July 20: "Overcoming Challenges to Being a Christian"

Nathaniel will draw from Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, ordinary life, and his experience as a long-time atheist, agnostic, Baptized as an Episcopalian, and finally received into full communion with the Church. All are welcome!