Join us for Sunday Mass in the Cathedral, or participate from home in one of our livestreamed Masses. On Sunday the Cathedral opens 30 minutes before each Mass (Mass times below) and closes immediately after each Mass for sanitizing.
The Cathedral's COVID-19 protocols remain in place until otherwise announced. Any changes that may be made will be announced here.
Los protocolos del COVID-19 de la Catedral permanecerán en efecto indefinidamente hasta que cambios sean anunciados. Cualquier cambio sera anunciado aquí en nuestra pagina web..
Los protocolos del COVID-19 de la Catedral permanecerán en efecto indefinidamente hasta que cambios sean anunciados. Cualquier cambio sera anunciado aquí en nuestra pagina web..
7am (English)
10am (English) (cantor and organ)
1pm (Spanish) (cantor)
5:30pm (English) (cantor)
(10am and 1pm Masses also livestreamed on our YouTube channel)
Online Offertory options:
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Livestreamed Masses for Pentecost Sunday
May 23, 2021
10am (English), Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, celebrant
YouTube | Facebook | Program | Readings
1pm (Spanish), Fr. John Benson, celebrante
YouTube | Facebook | Programa | Lecturas