Stations of the Cross
Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, Cathedral Rector, presides at the Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm on Good Friday, April 2. Join us in the Cathedral for this Good Friday prayer. The Cathedral opens at 7pm for Stations (no reservations; 150-person maximum capacity).
Schedule for Good Friday
- 11:15am The Cathedral opens.
- Noon | Reflection on the Lord's Passion, Sr. Cynthia Serjak, RSM
- 1:00pm | Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, Cardinal Wilton Gregory (Schola Cantorum) (The Cathedral closes immediately after the liturgy.)
- 3:15pm The Cathedral reopens.
- 4:00pm | Liturgia de la Pasión de N.S. Jesucristo, Adoración de la Santa Cruz, Y Santa Comunión, Bishop Mario Dorsonville (The Cathedral closes immediately after the liturgy.)
- 7:00pm The Cathedral reopens.
- 7:30pm | Stations of the Cross (in English) (The Cathedral closes immediately after Stations.)
Note: Penn Parking Garage remains open to 8:00pm.