Virtual Respect Life Committee Meeting
Join our virtual planning meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 16th at 5:30pm.
Here is the info to connect:
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting - (or) Call-in: +1 469-965-2556 United States, Dallas (Toll) Conference ID: 154 737 723#
Email Justin Silvers, Coordinator of the Respect Life Ministry, at
You may also reach the Social Justice Ministry staff, Fr. John Benson or Norma Canedo, at or at the rectory 202-347-3215.
Join in for a virtual brainstorming and planning session of upcoming events and advocacy efforts for the Respect Life Ministry. This ministry works to promote a Culture of Life and uphold the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. To accomplish this, the ministry focuses on the issues of abortion, human trafficking, euthanasia, suicide prevention, and the death penalty.