We invite you to attend a very special Lenten retreat for those who engage – or seek to engage – in the Social Justice and Community Service Ministries of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle.
Our retreat will be led by Fr. Jacek Orzechowski, OFM. He currently works at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington in the area of Parish Community Organizing and Advocacy.
The retreat will include time for individual and group reflection. We also will celebrate some of the transformative moments in our parish’s outreach ministries, share our motivations and our dreams for an even more robust and prophetic presence of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in the life of our city and nation.
Mass will be celebrated to close the retreat, and a light pizza lunch will be served. There is no charge for the retreat, but a voluntary collection will be taken.
To participate, register here. Read Fr. John’s invitation letter for more details on the retreat.
Questions? Email the Social Justice Committee Chair, Phil Downey, at socialjusticestmatthew@gmail.com. You may also call Fr. John Benson or Norma Canedo at 202-347-3215.
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2020
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Place: Franciscan Monastery