Our Lenten Journey Begins!
nvitation from the Rector
Each year on Ash Wednesday, we are reminded that all we see and experience in our world will pass away. Our only hope is in the Lord, who will rescue and bring us to eternal life in Him. While we battle with the trials and sufferings of this world, God is constantly there to refresh us. My prayer for you this Lenten season is that you will reach out to the Lord with a spirit renewed through prayer and penance and with an ever-increasing awareness of the power of His love for us. I hope that this Lent will be a time when all of us will grow ever deeper in our love for the Lord Jesus and His Church.
Please join us at St. Matthew’s Cathedral to experience this season of penance and renewal through liturgies, musical events, prayer, lectures, and other programs. I hope that my staff and I can be of help in providing you with ample opportunities for prayer, study, reflection, and reconciliation here at the Cathedral.
—Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, Rector
Ash Wednesday
Masses with the Distribution of Ashes
On February 26, Ash Wednesday, Masses with the distribution of ashes will be offered at 7am, 8am, 11am (with cantor), 12:10pm (Archbishop Wilton Gregory, with choir; interpreted for the deaf), 1:15pm (with cantor), 5:30pm (with cantor), and 7pm (en español con cantor). There are no confessions on Ash Wednesday. Ashes are not distributed outside of Mass. Stations of the Cross are prayed at 3pm in English and at 8pm en español.
Stations of the Cross
The Via Crucis is a journey made in the Holy Spirit, the divine fire that burned in the heart of Jesus (cf Luke 12:49-50) and brought him to Calvary. The Stations, in the form adopted by Pope John Paul II, are prayed on Ash Wednesday, February 26 at 3pm in English and at 8pm in Spansih, in English on Fridays at 6pm, and in Spanish on Sundays at 2:15pm throughout Lent.
Lenten Confessions
On Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 8pm, confessions are available in the Cathedral in English and Spanish. On Wednesday of Holy Week, the time is 6pm to 7:15pm. Wednesday evening confessions are in addition to the regularly scheduled confessions (Monday to Friday, 11am to Noon; Saturdays, 4 to 5pm), To find confession times at other parishes and for additional resources, visit http://www.TheLightisOn.org.