Vigil of Solemnity of All Saints

Holy Day Masses

Friday, November 1 is the Solemnity of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation. Holy Day Masses will be celebrated on Thursday, October 31 at 5:30pm (Vigil), and on November 1 at 7, 8, and 11am, 12:10pm  (Archbishop Gregory), 5:30pm, and 7pm (Spanish).

Confessions and First Friday Exposition are cancelled on November 1.

Pope Francis on All Saints' Day 2017

In his All Saints' Day Angelus in 2017, Pope Francis compared the saints to the Church windows - while not perfect models, they are people through whom God has passed.

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, 
Good morning and happy Feast Day!

The Solemnity of All Saints is 'our' celebration: not because we are good, but because the sanctity of God has touched our life. The Saints are not perfect models, but people through whom God has passed. We can compare them to the Church windows which allow light to enter in different shades of colour. The saints are our brothers and sisters who have welcomed the light of God in their heart and have passed it on to the world, each according to his or her own 'hue.' But they were all transparent; they fought to remove the stains and the darkness of sin, so as to enable the gentle light of God to pass through. This is life’s purpose: to enable God’s light to pass through; it is the purpose of our life too."

Emeritus Popoe Benedict XVI on All Saints' Day 2008

In his All Saints' Day Angelus in 2008, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI likened the rich diversity of our saints to that found in a garden:

"Visiting a botanical nursery garden, one is amazed by the variety of plants and flowers, and often one is drawn to think of the imagination of the Creator who has given the earth a wonderful garden. A similar feeling of wonder strikes us when we consider the spectacle of sainthood: the world appears to us as a 'garden', where the Spirit of God has given life with admirable imagination to a multitude of men and women Saints, of every age and social condition, of every language, people and culture. Every one is different from the other, each unique in his/her own personality and spiritual charism. All of them, however, were impressed with the 'seal' of Jesus (cf. Rv 7: 3) or the imprint of his love witnessed through the Cross. They are all in joy, in a festival without end, but, like Jesus, they achieved this goal passing through difficulties and trials (cf. Rv 7: 14), each of them shouldering their own share of sacrifice in order to participate in the glory of the Resurrection."