Horton’s Kids empowers children living in one of DC’s most under-resourced and violent communities, so they may graduate from high school ready for success in life. The Knights of Columbus invite you to participate in our Late Summer Food Drive! St. Matthew’s has partnered with Horton’s Kids to restock their emergency food pantry.
The Knights of Columbus will collect food after Masses on the weekends of September 7 - 8 and 14 - 15. Items needed are: canned chicken & tuna, cereal & oatmeal, complete meals, canned fruits & veggies, crackers and granola bars. Questions? Email Norma Canedo at socialjustice@stmatthewscathedral.org or Brad Kelly at 34kellyb@gmail.com.
To learn more about Horton’s Kids, visit www.hortonskids.org.