Orientation Meeting
A parent-child-catechist orientation meeting will be held on Sunday, September 8 from 9:45am to 11am in the North Conference Room. Classes begin Sunday, September 15 and conclude on Sunday, May 3, 2020.
The Children’s Faith Formation program at St. Matthew’s Cathedral exists to provide sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation as well as ongoing faith formation for children who have received these sacraments. It strives to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ in the context of the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. The program presents the four fundamental themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church – Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer – in such a way that we learn to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
When and where are classes held?
Classes are held weekly on Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 11am in the St. Matthew’s Education Center located at 1726 N Street NW. It is expected that parents will attend adult faith formation at the same time and that families will worship at either the 8:30am Mass before class or the 11:30am Mass following class. Classes generally are not held on holiday weekends.
When do classes begin?
There is a parent-child-catechist orientation meeting Sunday, September 8, 2019 from 9:45am to 11am in the NORTH Conference Room. Classes begin Sunday, September 15, 2019 and conclude on Sunday, May 3, 2020.