For more than 50 years, since the Second Vatican Council, the Cathedral has celebrated a Sunday Mass using the universal language of the church. Six years ago we revised the green pew book Ordo Missae; The Order of Mass in Latin. Updated English translations were provided, as well as additional settings of the Gloria, and many prefaces not found in the previous editions were added. The weekly music leaflet also contains translations of the opening prayer, the prayer over the gifts, and the post-communion prayer.
We strive to make this liturgy neither a museum piece nor a foray into an exotic or archaic aesthetic—but true prayer. We are most pleased when the assembly is fully engaged through active participation in the spoken and sung acclamations and attentive listening.
Music plays a significant part in the uniqueness of this Mass. While the hymns and acclamations during the Liturgy of the Word are in English, during the choral season the Schola Cantorum leads the entrance and communion chants in Latin and typically sings motets by Palestrina, Victoria, Byrd and Tallis, as well chant-based ancient and modern Latin pieces.
On Sunday, June 30, immediately following the 10am Mass, Thomas Stehle will host a 45-minute town hall meeting in the East Conference room to discuss the Mass and how we can spread the Word about this unique liturgical offering to a wider group of believers. Our hope is to draw more people for whom this form of the Mass would be conducive to their spiritual life.
No need to register in advance. If you cannot come to the meeting you may send your thoughts to with the subject line “Latin Mass.”